Tag Archives: b-tree

Recursion, working it out in advance

In a recent pair of interviews, I was asked tree data structure questions, and I flubbed the first one. Hacking at a function that received a pointer to a node and that I needed to use as the launching point for recursion, not the recursive bit itself. Not pretty. NEXT time, I managed to gather up my wits, with a bit of help from my interviewer, Jim Gill, I managed to thread the needle and there it was, a recursive operation that worked. Sho-‘nuf!  That original is at the bottom of this post- a complete, working version, follows this introduction. Its about 180 lines, with a lot of white space.

And here’s the deal. You can’t make  a sensible recursive routine by simply getting the pointer and recalling that top level routine. YES recursion needs something that takes a pointer to node, and yes,  you call it with a child of the original node. But there’s more to it. A non-recursive superstructure which supports a recursive heart.

So here’s a complete, working, version, that compiles and runs using “gcc” on Mac OS 10.5.8. It takes a bit more than what I started with. “C” and other versions will follow, as separate postings.

Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$ cat recursion_v.cpp
/* recursion_v.cpp */
/* Follow-up to ___ recursion problem with Jim Gill, web prowling question at ____ */

/* input:
|   \
(N)  (P)
|  \    \
(Q) (S)  (T)
(3 level b tree, M has two children, N and P, and N has two children, Q and S.  P has one child – T.)

Q, S, T, N, P, M


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

/* Structure in which the input data arrives: */

struct node {
std::vector <node*> children;  std::string name;

/* Structure the result vector (array) is built from: */
struct nameNLevel  {
std::string name;   int level;

* Synopsis: void recur( node* n, int level, std::vector* nsNLs )
* args:
* node*    n     this node, which has a name, may have children
* int        level    number of steps down the tree
* std::vector    nsNLs   pointer to the vector of node-name, level structs we’ll want to report
* returns:
* no return value. Node name and level are put into the vector of nameLevel structs.
* Mar 27, 2011  Bill Abbott

void recur( node* n, int level, std::vector <nameNLevel>* nsNLs ){

/* To collect additions, nsNLs vector must be passed as a pointer! */
/* Unlike an array in C, an std::vector isn’t passed as a pointer automatically! */
nameNLevel* nNL = new nameNLevel;
nNL->name = n->name;
nNL->level = level;
nsNLs->push_back( *nNL );

int vecIdx = nsNLs->size() – 1;

//    std::cout << nsNLs->size() << ”  ” << vecIdx << ”    “;
std::cout << (*nsNLs)[ vecIdx ].level << ”  “;
std::cout << (*nsNLs)[ vecIdx ].name << ”  “;
std::cout << (*nsNLs)[ vecIdx ].name.size() << ”  “;
std::cout << (*nsNLs)[ vecIdx ].name.c_str() << ”    “;

std::cout << (nsNLs->back()).name << ”  ” << (nsNLs->back()).level << ”  ” << n->name << ”  ” << level << ”  “;
std::cout << nsNLs->size() << ”  ” ;
std::cout << n->children.size() << ”  ” << (0 != n->children.size()) << “\n”;
if ( 0 != n->children.size()) {   /* there are children */
for (int childCount =0; childCount < ( n->children.size()); childCount++ ){
recur(  n->children[childCount], level+1, nsNLs ); /* recursive call- children & next level… */
} /* for int childCount… */
} /* if ( 0!=  */

} /* recur *

* Synopsis: void passThrough( node* n )
* args:
* node*    n     this node, which has a name, may have children
* returns:
* no return value. creates and outputs vector of node names,
* “highest” level first, in ascending order of child vector contents..
* Mar 27, 2011  Bill Abbott

void passThrough( node* n ) {
std::vector namesNLevels;
int level = 0;

recur( n, level, &namesNLevels );

std::cout<< namesNLevels.size()  << ”  ” << “\n”;

int maxLevel = 0;
for (int i=0; i < namesNLevels.size(); i++ ) {
std::cout<< maxLevel << ”  ” << i << “\n”;
if (namesNLevels[i].level > maxLevel) {
maxLevel = namesNLevels[i].level;
} /* if */
} /* for */

/* note: recursion isn’t getting the data in the order we want… */
/* so, order them before printing. */

for (level=maxLevel; level >= 0; level–){
for (int i=0; i < namesNLevels.size(); i++ ) {
if (namesNLevels[i].level == level){
std::cout << namesNLevels[i].name <<  ” “;
} /* if (namesNLevels…) */
} /* for i */
} /* for level */

printf( “\n”);


* Synopsis: int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
* args:
* int        argc    count of command line arguments
* char*    argv[]    vector of zero-terminated arrays of char containing command line args
* returns:
* no return value. creates a tree of nodes, outputs vector of node names,
* “highest” level first, in ascending order of child vector contents..
* Mar 27, 2011  Bill Abbott

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

/* 3 level b tree:
* M has two children, N and P, and
*    N has two children, Q and S.
*        Q has no children
*        S has no children
*    P has one child – T.
*        T has no children

node* T = new node;
T->name = “T”;

node* S = new node;
S->name = “S”;

node* Q = new node;
Q->name = “Q”;

node* P = new node;
P->name = “P”;

node* N = new node;
N->name = “N”;

node* M = new node;
M->name = “M”;

passThrough( M );

return( 1 );

————- Example output, with my debug couts—————-

Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$ c++ recursion_v.cpp
Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$ a.out
0  M  1  M    M  0  M  0  1  2  1
1  N  1  N    N  1  N  1  2  2  1
2  Q  1  Q    Q  2  Q  2  3  0  0
2  S  1  S    S  2  S  2  4  0  0
1  P  1  P    P  1  P  1  5  1  1
2  T  1  T    T  2  T  2  6  0  0
0  0
0  1
1  2
2  3
2  4
2  5
Macintosh-6:interview Bill4$

————————– Here’s how this started:——————–

Ok- it was whiteboard code and didn’t compile. I’m working on that. Staring with std::vector blahblah  which seems like some really kewl Java/C++ library good stuff. What Kernighan and Ritchie were hoping for.

|     \
(N) (P)
|     \    \
(Q) (S) (T)
(3 level b tree, M has two children, N and P, and N has two children, Q and S.  P has one child – T.

Q, S, T, N, P, M

typedef struct node {
std::vector <node*> children;  std::string name;

typedef nameNLevel {
std::string name;   std::int level;

void passThrough( node* n ) {
std::Array namesNLevels;
int level = 0;

recur( n, level, namesNLevels );

int maxLevel = 0;

for (int i=0; i
if (namesNLevels[i].leve l> maxLevel) {
maxLevel = namesNLevels[i].level;
} /* if */
} /* for */

/* note: recursion isn’t getting the data in the order we want… */
/* so, order them before printing. */

for (level=0; level =<maxLevel; level++){
for (i=0; i<
if (atoi(namesNLevels[i].name) == level){  printf( “%s “, namesNLevels[i].name } /* longer but more robust */
} /* for i */
} /* for level */

printf( “\n”);


void recur( node* n, integer level, std::Array nsNLs ){
/* its an array, gets passes as a pointer anyhow */
nsNLs.pushback( new nameNLevel( n->name, level));

if ( 0 != n->children.count()) {   /* there are children */
for (int childCount =0; childCount < ( n->children.count()); childCount++ ){
recur(  n->children[childCount], level+1, nsNLs );
/* recursive call- children & next level… */
} /* for int childCount… */
} /* if ( 0!=  */


A nice page at IBM regarding recursion:


Good stuff!